Projects & Events

Keizer Fire Foundation
2019 Year-End Report

The idea for a foundation to support the Keizer Fire District (KFD) was discussed during a meeting of the KFD board. That discussion led to the formation of the Keizer Fire Foundation and it was granted status as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization June of 2017. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible.

The mission of the Keizer Fire Foundation is to support the training of the Keizer Fire District firefighters and medical personnel, provide equipment and to provide supplemental support for the emergency services activities of the district for the residents of the Keizer area. The Foundation will promote the firefighting, lifesaving and education efforts of the Keizer Fire District.

Two projects were undertaken in 2019 in support of that mission.

  1. Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs): The first project undertaken by the Keizer Fire Foundation was to purchase and install ten AEDs in strategic locations around Keizer. A total of $17,068.18 was raised and ten AEDs were purchased.
    • Individuals donated $7,800.00.
    • Keizer Rotary Foundations donated $6,500.00.
    • Salem Electric sponsored a Saturday evening concert at the Keizer Rotary Amphitheater. Between their contribution and audience donations, a total of $2,768.18 was raised. The Keizer Rotary Amphitheater was the first location an AED was placed.
  2. In-Home Smoke Detectors: The idea of a fundraiser to buy and place smoke detectors at no cost in homes in the community came from Advantage Heating and Air Conditioning. Through the efforts of their customers and employees, a total $7,228.25 was raised. Installation of the smoke detectors will begin in the early part of 2020 and Advantage staff will also be donating their time to help in the installation.

With two successful projects and donations totaling $27,217.83 for the year, we can report mission accomplished.

* Article and information pulled from the Memorandum sent January 25, 2020 from Dave Bauer, President and Chet Patterson, Secretary/Treasurer of the Keizer Fire Foundation to the Keizer Fire District Board of Directors.

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Donation Total: $25.00

Jumpstart the Heart

You can help.

Imagine standing in line for your favorite snack at a McNary game. It’s crowded and loud with cheers. Suddenly, the man in front of you clutches at his chest and falls to his knees. You recognize the signs of cardiac arrest. Time is of the essence and you rush to the concession stand. “Call 911!” you yell. “Do you have a defibrillator?”

Heart attacks can happen anywhere, anytime and having a Portable AED Defibrillator on hand can drastically improve the chance of survival.

The Defibrillator Project will provide various locations with Portable AED Defibrillators including inside police vehicles and sporting events. There will also be several available for checkout for local community events. We need your help to purchase these defibrillators and save lives. Donate today and support the safety and security of Keizer.

Donate Today & Save Lives.

$6,000 of $10,000 raised
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Donation Total: $10.00